Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One Year Later

The moon dazzles this Virginia summer night with a generous glow, reminding her wide-eyed children that the world is full of majesty. It takes courage to reflect the sun's burning light. But rather than standing by contemplating the pain of a possible burn, the moon opens her heart like a June tiger lily and allows the sun's light to shine through to us all: the ants of Earth, so busy about our activities.

Here I sit, surprised that it has been a year since Rosario made the choice to turn-in her bright-eyes for a cage: a year since I turned to the typing board for the whisper of comfort that free-expression offers. In a way, I feel irresponsible for not being discipline about sharing more of my Guatemala experiences with the vibrant community of people that form the jeweled necklace that my heart wears walking. All of the moments leading up to this Virginia summer night buzz with the support of friends who, like light on water, sparkle in the current that flows in my veins and keeps my spirit alive. And so, how dare I not reach out more often How dare I not share stories and in so doing acknowledge the deep gratitude I feel for the love that has made me who I am. Perhaps it is that, I arrived in a place where I was a burning flame: sun up til sundown blue-orange-yellow alive and inspired by working with children and sisters who taught me to see the smallest wonder and surf the biggest wave. Perhaps it is that I could not bring myself to plug-in to cyberspace when the just-so movement of the banana tree leaves was so spectacular. Perhaps there is no reason in particular: just that the beating of my heart feels seamlessly connected to all of the friends I've met along the way. Space and time no longer feel limiting.

The point is: I am setting the intention to re-engage with the community of brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and practical strangers who have expressed interest in my journey and supported who I am with no questions asked. The greatest gift imaginable. I am on the eve of departing for a tidal-wave journey to Nepal and Northern India. Jane, a friend and teacher, slid a beautiful Himalayan amethyst on my finger two years ago and said: "Two years, love. I think it will be two years." I smiled and somehow knew she was right. Two years to the day, she asked me to be part of a team that will travel to Nepal to deliver the documentary that she and two other friends recently completed: A Gift for the Village. Please read more at An incredible story.

And so, in Guatemala with a Himalayan amethyst on my finger, I say Yes! Not knowing what else to say. I knew that answer when I was born. I will have to verify with Mother, but I believe I learned Yes! before I learned No. I finished the year in Guatemala with heart and soul burning with enthusiasm and love for the community of friends, teachers, children and rich-black earth that taught me, above all, courage, humility and a limitless belief in what is possible. I have written to the children about the upcoming journey: I carry them with me into each breathing-life moment and cannot wait to smile at them from the Himalayas. The next time I visit Guatemala, I will have more colorful experiences and surprising adventures (that somehow help me excavate and ponder the brightest parts of my being) to share.

Share: that is what I will attempt to do here, on this blog that will remain Guatemala-Living In the Flow. Life does flow. As Jane pointed out: "do you see that Guatemala contains both the words Gautama and Mala?" Indeed. So it is not so curious that Guatemala leads me to India.

One day, I will fill in the blanks of the Guatemala year. A dozen journals sit under my desk waiting to be read and edited. By the time selected stories arrive in cyberspace, the will be more refined, distilled, precise. In my evolution, I am learning to edit. It is so much harder than writing! For now, I set the intention to share stories from the Himalayas: guided by a dear teacher and an amethyst ring.


teri said...

Under your desk or in your heart - Your stories will find a way to shine. Yes they will. Give our hearts wings with your words.

je t'aime said...

I'll be in every beat of your heart when you face the unknown.